Alchi Monastery

Alchi Monastery or Alchi Gompa (monastery and temple complex), Leh on the banks of the Indus river.

Hemis Monastery

Hemis Monastery, 40 kms towards the south-east of the main city of Leh is the largest as well as the most well-known monastery (Gompa) in Ladakh.

Stakna Monastery

Stakna Gompa or Stakna Monastery is a Buddhist monastery located approximately 45 km from Leh.

Thiksey Monastery

Thikse Gompa, of the Yellow Hat (Gelugpa) sect, is around 19 kms to the East of the main city of Leh.

Spituk Monastery

Around 18 km from Leh, on a hill overlooking the Indus river stand the Spituk (exemplary) monastery.

Likir Monastery

5 km north of Alchi and 52 km from Leh, the Likir monastery was established in the 11th century by a sect known as Klu-Kkhjil (water spirits).